jueves, 14 de mayo de 2020

Why did you choose your career / study programm

When I a was kid, I wanted to be an astronaut because I liked the space, stars, comets and all the light blue bodies but with the time I never saw this job in the school, on the tv and in my life in general. Then, when I was older, my family asked me what I wanted to study, and I answered electric engineering because my aunt studied this and she gets good money and I have always liked math, so no problem. But then, I thought I love the sciences in general, and I remembered in my childhood when I saw or I heard “scientist develop this” or “scientist make this” and I was feeling admiration for them, so I wanted to dedicate my life to investigation. Mi first option was biochemistry because I love biology, but people told me the problems about the work field, the money, etc. of the investigation in this country, but I insisted. Finally I talked with my godfather, he is a doctor, and he told me that all the scientific careers  have the possibility of investigation, so I decided for chemistry and pharmacy because I saw the possibility of investigation about medicaments and if I can´t investigate I would have a good work field and good money. And here I am. In the university I like all the subjects in general, so I don´t regret my decision on this career.

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2020

My Autobiography

Hello, my name is Manuel Martinez and I going to talk you about me. I am 19 years old and I was born on 7th of July, 2000 in Curico, Chile. I live in Curico in a rural place. I did my primary at Holanda school in Curico and my secondary and high school at Zapallar School. I like maths, and the sciences in general. I am the youngest in my family because I have one sister and she was born first, I have a dog called Phill, he is 5 months old. In my freetime I like to play guitar, watch youtube, play videogames and play with Phill.