jueves, 30 de julio de 2020

A Subject you enjoyed studying this semester

Really, I enjoy all the subject, but I like the chemicals more, I can´t choose because in organic chemical I like to learn about the more basic rules of the nature, in chemistry is as if the knowledge doesn’t have limits. An the other hand, analytic chemistry is awesome because in this you dominate the knowledge and with this you can manipulate the chemistry as you want, the practical part is very interesting for me, but currently it is only theorical, in this you can dissolver the metal or precipitate adjusted the necessary parameters, you can know how much calcio water has and know weight or proportions using different techniques  but I don’t know if I enjoy more the theorical o the practical part

jueves, 23 de julio de 2020

An Expert on your Filed...

William Herschel01.jpg
I am going to cheat a little because I have never been interested in the authors, makers, etc. But I have been interested in a man outside of my field, He is William Herschel, he was a astronomer and musician. He studied music, in 1757 he participated in the 7-year war but for this he went to England. He was a music professor, organist and orchestra director. In 1773 he bought a book of astronomy and he fell in love with the skies. He began to make telescops and in 1781 he discovered Uranus and then he discovered two of its moons. Also, he made a lot of musical works. For this I like him, because he worked in the music and made a very important discovery in the sciences, it is difficult to stand out in both fields at the same time, I would like to do that hahaha.