jueves, 18 de junio de 2020

A photograph I like

This photo was "taken" on april 10th of 2019 by Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration (EHT), in this photo we can see a black hole, but what is really interesting for me is how they took this photo. I said "taken" because it is not like a simple photo when you taked, this was made with many photos of telescopes around the world, these photos were procesed and complemented by theorical information of blacks holes and after a lot of work this was the result, the first photograph of a black hole in the history.
Also the photo is pretty cool, it is just a red tonaliy very light and dark in a black background. And finally the black holes are incredible objects because nothing can escape from them

jueves, 11 de junio de 2020

My best Friends

I have two best friends because we are a little group, their names are Pablo and Alejandro, but he is called Fuica because it is his last name. We met in 2013 when we entered the same high school and we were in the same course. First, I became friends with Pablo and he became friends with Fuica but I disliked him but with the time I knew him better. With Fuica, we were also classmates in 2016, we have in common likes for videogames and music and with Pablo we formed a student center in 2018, I can talk with him about everything. And the three of us have a musical group, the best memory I have with them are when we sang our compositions in a small site. All of us are from Curico and all of us study in Santiago so in normal conditions we meet in both cities.

jueves, 4 de junio de 2020

My Favorite Piece of Technology

I like technology because it is so usefull in general, it opens you a lot of doors. I have a notebook, I got it in the secondary school in 2013 like other students how have good qualifications, I use it very much, when I was younger, I used it principally to play videogames, now I use it to watch videos, make music and sometimes edit videos or images, also it is my main information source, I have learned a lot of information about music, math, physic, biology, informatic, etc. In the past, I used it all the day but now I distribute my time better. I think that the possibilies with a notebook (and internet) are infinitie, if I did´nt have it, I would know a lot less about music, sciences and in general