martes, 8 de diciembre de 2020

English Language Challenges


I value the English classes of the university because all the teachers that I had try to make more dynamic the English classes and this have not the rest of the classes. But if I must be honest my personal experience was a bit boring, in no case was it the teachers' fault, it's just that for me English is not very interesting. regrettably, in this semester we couldn't speak in English with other of the form that we wanted.

I think the use of the blog is a good dynamic because you can practice the written part with time and calm, also you can know more about other people and share opinion when you are interested in a topic.

Personally, I need to practice the spoken part, I think I can achieve other people understand me but sometimes I need to say anything and I don´t find the specific words. I don't know how to improve this, I think the better option would be speak with other people in English but probably it won't be. I think the last option I have is see series and videos in English, over time one internalizes the language and is a funny form to do this.

I really don't use English in my daily life, I don´t watch many series and although I very like music I don't listen very often and all my surroundings speak in Spanish so it is a problem because maybe I could forget something about English, but I don't worry, when I need it I'll manage somehow.

sábado, 5 de diciembre de 2020

Changes to my study programme

 Hello, my name is Manuel Martínez and today I going to talk about changes to my study programme.

The truth is that I have not reviewed the curriculum so I can only talk about the classes I had. I want to make it clear that I liked all the subjects I had, but I think that some subjects are not as necessary as others. I also think that the career is too long, I would remove some subjects and leave them as optional for those who want to specialize in a certain area. For example, mechanics and electromagnetism, I know these subjects help us understand the following topics, but I don't think they are essential.

With the infrastructure, I don't have another comparison point so I don´t know if it is good or bad, I think this achieves its goal

I think this is a controversial topic but I think, under normal condition, the classes should be record because I think it is very useful to be able to see the classes whenever you want, however you want but on the other side I know the classic classes are better in many points so, we have to find the balance in both methodologies

I like some of the teachers' methodologies, but I think the most important thing is how these teachers explain Since if a teacher does not explain the subject well, it does not matter what methodology he uses, it will not work.

And this is all.