sábado, 5 de diciembre de 2020

Changes to my study programme

 Hello, my name is Manuel Martínez and today I going to talk about changes to my study programme.

The truth is that I have not reviewed the curriculum so I can only talk about the classes I had. I want to make it clear that I liked all the subjects I had, but I think that some subjects are not as necessary as others. I also think that the career is too long, I would remove some subjects and leave them as optional for those who want to specialize in a certain area. For example, mechanics and electromagnetism, I know these subjects help us understand the following topics, but I don't think they are essential.

With the infrastructure, I don't have another comparison point so I don´t know if it is good or bad, I think this achieves its goal

I think this is a controversial topic but I think, under normal condition, the classes should be record because I think it is very useful to be able to see the classes whenever you want, however you want but on the other side I know the classic classes are better in many points so, we have to find the balance in both methodologies

I like some of the teachers' methodologies, but I think the most important thing is how these teachers explain Since if a teacher does not explain the subject well, it does not matter what methodology he uses, it will not work.

And this is all.

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