miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2020

I Country I Would Like To Visit

Hello there. 

Today I will talk about a very interesting place to considerer a trip. I would like to go to Grecia because I love the temples and the old structures in general. I don’t know much about the actual Grecia, but I think the mythology of this country is very cool with all the gods and all the art. I would like to see all the old culture and all the references, go to a museum and learn more about them, because they, in the past, were a very advanced civilization. Also, I would like to know how relation have the old Grecia with the actual sociality. I think go to Grecia for holydays would be incredible but I don’t think live in this country be a really good experience, neither bad, of course, but I only had think in this place for learn more and not for the live quality, however, study in this place for a time would be

And this is all, I hope you like this post.

2 comentarios:

  1. Grecia seems spectacular to me, all its history and ancient architecture looks wonderful!

  2. Greek mythology is great, the books The Iliad and Odyssey are journeys that portray the power of the gods very well.
