martes, 8 de diciembre de 2020

English Language Challenges


I value the English classes of the university because all the teachers that I had try to make more dynamic the English classes and this have not the rest of the classes. But if I must be honest my personal experience was a bit boring, in no case was it the teachers' fault, it's just that for me English is not very interesting. regrettably, in this semester we couldn't speak in English with other of the form that we wanted.

I think the use of the blog is a good dynamic because you can practice the written part with time and calm, also you can know more about other people and share opinion when you are interested in a topic.

Personally, I need to practice the spoken part, I think I can achieve other people understand me but sometimes I need to say anything and I don´t find the specific words. I don't know how to improve this, I think the better option would be speak with other people in English but probably it won't be. I think the last option I have is see series and videos in English, over time one internalizes the language and is a funny form to do this.

I really don't use English in my daily life, I don´t watch many series and although I very like music I don't listen very often and all my surroundings speak in Spanish so it is a problem because maybe I could forget something about English, but I don't worry, when I need it I'll manage somehow.

sábado, 5 de diciembre de 2020

Changes to my study programme

 Hello, my name is Manuel Martínez and today I going to talk about changes to my study programme.

The truth is that I have not reviewed the curriculum so I can only talk about the classes I had. I want to make it clear that I liked all the subjects I had, but I think that some subjects are not as necessary as others. I also think that the career is too long, I would remove some subjects and leave them as optional for those who want to specialize in a certain area. For example, mechanics and electromagnetism, I know these subjects help us understand the following topics, but I don't think they are essential.

With the infrastructure, I don't have another comparison point so I don´t know if it is good or bad, I think this achieves its goal

I think this is a controversial topic but I think, under normal condition, the classes should be record because I think it is very useful to be able to see the classes whenever you want, however you want but on the other side I know the classic classes are better in many points so, we have to find the balance in both methodologies

I like some of the teachers' methodologies, but I think the most important thing is how these teachers explain Since if a teacher does not explain the subject well, it does not matter what methodology he uses, it will not work.

And this is all.

jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2020



Hello, today I going to talk about a music artist.

Althought I really like music I don´t know much about bands or singers, I only listen to their music, but a band that I really like is Muse. As I said, I don´t know much about them beyond their music because, in general, I have never investigated about authors. 

They are English and their music is alternative rock and progressive rock. Muse have eight albums, but I have heard only six
and I really like those, eventually I'll listen to the rest of the albums. I like it because I feel their music transmits a lot of feelings, I like the sounds of their guitars and the voice of the singer. 

Muse have an Incredibles songs like “Plug in baby”, “Hysteria”, “Butterflies and Hurricanes”, “The small sprint”, “Sing for absolution”, “Assassins”, “Knights of Cydonia” or “Explorers” but my favorite song of them is Hyper Music because when I listen to it I feel the energy hahaha, I don´t know, it is a very strong and powerful song. 

I have never gone to Muse´s concerts but I would like to go someday. 
And this is all, I recommend listening to it, you will not regret it

miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2020

My Favourite Series

Hi, today I going to talk about my favorite series, it is Gintama and is an anime. This anime tells us an age when the samurais were conquest by extraterrestrials, so is a very special world, sometimes old, sometimes futurist.

The main character is called Gin, in the past he fought with the samurais vs the extraterrestrials but after to lost the war he works in anything the people tell him. 

The anime is basically comedy with chapter like the Simpsons, but this one goes through all genres, standing out in action with excellent fights with a lot of epic moments. Another strong point of this anime is the characters, this have a lot of characters and all have a story and an eventual protagonism. I recommend this anime because is a very complete series, in general is very funny and the story of the characters is very complex. 

Also, Gin is constant break the fourth wall, talking about the real world and making a lot of parodies of popular anime like dragon ball z. This series is one of the best anime, 10/10

sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2020

The best holyday

Personally, I haven´t had a specific incredible holyday but I am going to tell about course trip of 4th high school. It was in at the end of 2018, I went, with another course, to Pucon for five days. I went in other course because in that course were my best friends and I get along well with all the people.

 I really liked the trip because in all days we had a very cool activities that I had never done and always wanted to do, like canopy, rafting, paintball, trekking and thermal waters. Also, the food was excellent.

Although I went to this travel for my best friends, I share a lot of time with other people, I got to know better people that I knew very little.

And the parties at the night were not bad hahaha.

I think it was the best “holyday” because the activities were incredible and the relationship with all was excellent, I have a very good memory of this and if I could repeat this trip, I would do without hesitation.

miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2020

I Country I Would Like To Visit

Hello there. 

Today I will talk about a very interesting place to considerer a trip. I would like to go to Grecia because I love the temples and the old structures in general. I don’t know much about the actual Grecia, but I think the mythology of this country is very cool with all the gods and all the art. I would like to see all the old culture and all the references, go to a museum and learn more about them, because they, in the past, were a very advanced civilization. Also, I would like to know how relation have the old Grecia with the actual sociality. I think go to Grecia for holydays would be incredible but I don’t think live in this country be a really good experience, neither bad, of course, but I only had think in this place for learn more and not for the live quality, however, study in this place for a time would be

And this is all, I hope you like this post.

jueves, 30 de julio de 2020

A Subject you enjoyed studying this semester

Really, I enjoy all the subject, but I like the chemicals more, I can´t choose because in organic chemical I like to learn about the more basic rules of the nature, in chemistry is as if the knowledge doesn’t have limits. An the other hand, analytic chemistry is awesome because in this you dominate the knowledge and with this you can manipulate the chemistry as you want, the practical part is very interesting for me, but currently it is only theorical, in this you can dissolver the metal or precipitate adjusted the necessary parameters, you can know how much calcio water has and know weight or proportions using different techniques  but I don’t know if I enjoy more the theorical o the practical part